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About Me:


I'm just a stay-at-home momma with a laptop, some crazy ideas, and a whole lot of energy! One minute I'm in my kitchen with a coffee in one hand, flipping Mickey Mouse pancakes with the other. The next minute, I'm dragging an old dresser out of my neighbor's trash, whipping out a surgical mask, an electric sander, and making magic happen!

Ask yourself, what's your "normal"?


How was refurb guru born, you ask?


While I have always had a natural eye for design, a love of bringing new life to old treasures, and a passion for writing, none of it was ever really more than a hobby. 

For nine years I worked full-time for a corporate dermatology practice, clawing my way up the ladder. Taking classes and earning certifications to better myself in the field. All the while, burying my passion and God-given talent for the arts. I would occasionally take the odd design job here and there, as a source of extra income. Everything from painting large murals for corporations and small businesses, to portraits of people's pets.

Then, one day, I was told I was no longer a "good fit," for the company I had spent nearly a decade of my life at. Well, my grandma always told me that everything in life happens for a reason, and sometimes good things have to end for something better to begin. So I had two choices; cry in my paint cans, or pull up my big girl cover-all's and do what I was put on this earth to do... CREATE!


It started off small, a few blogs here, a couple of DIY posts there. Then a funny thing happened... people began responding. A lot! I started receiving lots of positive feedback; 'likes', 'shares', sponsors began to contact me... and so, refurb guru is born.


As my rediscovered passion, I'm making it my mission to redesign and refurbish the world, one project at a time, while sharing my knowledge with others. Others who are not only interested in weekend designing, but doing something they too are passionate about.


Stay tuned...


Be sure and subscribe to my page to see what crazy projects I tackle next!

© 2017 by Refurb Guru Kristin. Proudly created with
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